Automated sample handling for microscopy.

The Märzhäuser SlideExpress 2 is an innovative system for automated handling of slides. The system consists of a base unit as well as an integrated, high-performance SCANplus scanning stage.
A combination, which offers you an unbeatable price-performance ratio!

High Capacity

The SlideExpress 2 offers capacities for up to 120 slides (76 x 52 x 1 mm or 76 x 26 x 1 mm) in 3 magazines for 20 clips with 1 or 2 slides each.


High Process Reliability

The slide transfer between magazine and scanning stages is carried out by an innovative clip concept in one single transfer. In this way, loss or damage to the samples is avoided and time is saved.

Integrated measuring systems ensure position monitoring in all axes for a safe sample handling.

Every sample is unique and often irreplacable. For this reason, Märzhäuser now gives you a safeguarding system that ensures that your samples remain completely protected at all times.

The shakeproof magazines with a special locking mechanism are especially designed to ensure a safe transportation of the slides. Not only within the SlideExpress 2 but also outside.

The magazines are stored within the base unit. The compact casing protects your irreplacable samples from any contamination or damage.

Low Maintenance, High Throughput

The SlideExpress 2 fits neatly into its lab surrounding. The perfectly engineered construction ensures quick and easy system integration.


As an option, you can complement the system with a barcode scanner
as well as the Märzhäuser Liquid Dispenser for the application of immersion medium.



Zeiss Axio Imager.Z2
Olympus BX61, BX63
Nikon Eclipse Ni-E

Further microscopes on request. 

For further technical information, please refer to product data sheet of SlideExpress 2 ...